A year-long research project led by an election integrity investigator from Utah, Sophie Anderson, and communications engineer, Dr. Charles Bernardin, has uncovered the mechanism that is being used to connect our election equipment at polling places across the nation. Anderson and Bernardin met while working together in several overlapping election integrity efforts. After submitting a countless number of public documents requests from multiple federal, state and local governments, and working with other grassroots researchers, the team realized that the federal government has indeed created a nationwide network that is capable of collecting and changing real-time voting data at polling places across the country from a central location. The private network tool is called FirstNet, and like so many things that have proven detrimental to American Liberty - it was sold as a tool to ensure public safety.
This research of Sophie Anderson and Charles Bernardin proposing a nationwide emergency network called FirstNet is the tool used to preempt existing cellular networks and alter election results, with access all the way to precinct level election infrastructure should be a wakeup call for every Election Administrator in the country.
This explains exactly why some counties have a seemingly random and incredibly high spike in votes that defies all previously known growth patterns seen by other Democrat candidates, even extremely popular ones like Barack Obama in his 2008 campaign. Counties receive their votes from precincts (even in counties with large voting centers, voters are organized by precinct), and an analysis like this can truly identify a county that is clearly bloated by thousands, or even tens of thousands, of votes.
One type of election or voter fraud occurs by traditional ballot stuffing. With expanded mail-in voting and the promotion of ballot harvesting, the Democrat vote snatchers build their foundation of votes by using the early voting window to pile up as many ballots as possible before resorting to any drastic measures, like electronic vote manipulation. Some states don’t have enough mail-in ballots recorded to justify the number of clearly fraudulent votes tallied in 2020, such as Texas.
It is clear that those behind the 2020 election grab planned, to elaborate detail, in an attempt to peg trends, shifts, and margins in various key counties, excepting perhaps the smallest counties, to determine what numbers must be obtained, and then the various mechanisms of election interference are decided. For instance, if you need to sell the electorate on the fraudulent claim that Pennsylvania was a left-drifting state in the 2020 election, despite a 21:1 registration ratio favoring the Republican Party during Trump’s term, it would be most believable if Ohio and West Virginia also swung left from 2016, which they did, albeit fraudulently. If correct, this FirstNet reveal connects dots as to where 5, 10, or 20 thousand extra votes in the losing column come from to negate Trump’s massive vote gains to give the impression that interior Pennsylvania was less “Trumpy” than when he first won it.
If this is not enough to wake up not only the officials, but also the people, then maybe the recent FirstNet outages will. Since the beginning of 2024 FirstNet has been inoperable TWICE. Once in February and again in July. Oddly 6 months apart. While the MSM has provided the public with “plausible” reasons to explain away these failures, serious suspicions remain.
Two take-aways need to be gleaned from this article. 1) This exhaustive investigation by Anderson and Bernardin removes all doubt that the American Public has been lied to for over three years by every major media source and nearly every elected official who has sworn to protect and defend our country. THE VOTING MACHINES ARE CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET! & 2) FirstNet is a covert system, put in place under the guise of “protecting” the people, that is, in reality, an advanced system designed and installed to control our elections and thereby we the people.
And we haven't even mentioned CrowdStrike...Yet.