At the foundation of our Nation, we were given a Republic, where one person’s vote counts and is honored no matter what. We the People in that Republic set the course of our Country by voting, which therein contains the heart of the people and what the current culture is desiring to “have, be and do.” It’s supposed to work that way. Our Constitution makes it so. But here in these United States of America, Democracy is being lifted up as the singular focus. Yet in a true democracy, the “mob rules.” Personal votes carry no weight because the majority is moved by intellectually deficient emotions, thus burning businesses and cities down. That is what we’ve seen in this era. And the mob mentality gets fueled by fake media, schoolteachers and college professors, not excluding politicians; all being controlled by globalists and their dark agendas. (Note: This is merely the outward evidence of the kingdom of darkness manifesting its rule on earth through sinful mankind... BUT! Jesus said take heart, “I have overcome the world.”)
In a Kingdom there are no votes. The King rules. Jesus was His name (Yeshua means Salvation), and Christ was His title: “Anointed King.” Pastors minimize this by saying Messiah or Christ simply means “the anointing.”
So, what do you think? If you were in the presence of a King, the Monarch of a Kingdom who owned everything, and you addressed Him with any less than the fullness of His Title, how do you think that would go for you?
The message of the Bible is not about a religion... The message of the Bible is about a King... His Kingdom... and His Royal Kids... The message of the Bible is about a government ruled by a King. The King does not rule a religion! The message of the Bible is about a government ruled by a KING... NOT by a President nor a Prime Minister... Why is this important? Because in a Kingdom there are no votes... You cannot vote God in. (Though many feel that way... “Well God, I will do this for you if you do this for me.”)
God does not work for you... a President or Prime Minster does; you vote him or her in, and they work for you. (In theory anyway.) It’s vitally important to remember that the centrality of the Bible is about the Dominion of a King over His territory... Therefore, it’s imperative to note that when you approach the Bible... you MUST NOT approach it as a RELIGIOUS DOCUMENT! The Word of the King declares, “The government will rest upon His shoulder.” Isaiah 9:6 -- It does not say a religion will rest there. In fact, verse 7 states the truth that, “Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end.” Take note that it does NOT say there will be an increase of his religion. Only governments can reign. Religions will always steal, kill, and destroy. Just look at what the Pharisees and Sadducees, the religious people, did to Jesus. What will you choose to submit to? The King and His Kingdom...or the Kingdom of darkness; which reigns over and influences the kingdoms of this world. (MT 4:8-10)
Oh, how many “so called Christians” take the Word of the King and pull it down to their level of living... the level they negotiate to live life with Him at, instead of obeying. -- Children obey... Adults negotiate.
A King does not negotiate. Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. (Ps 37) A religious person reads that passage and thinks from the conceptions in their religious heart, “If I do good I will get the things I want.” This thinking is born out of the conceptions of negotiation called Democracy.